EMA GSA CAG Membership Application
Dear Stakeholders of the Santa Ynez River Valley Groundwater Basin Eastern Management Area:
You are invited to apply to become a Citizen Advisory Group (CAG) member for the Eastern Management Area Groundwater Sustainability Agency (EMA GSA). If selected, you will:
- Be valued for your diverse perspectives concerning all beneficial uses and users of groundwater
- Provide an additional level of public input to the EMA GSA Board of Directors (Board) on various issues related to the implementation of the Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP)
- Attend meetings of the EMA GSA, GSP implementation, and other SGMA-related activities
- Influence the decisions of GSP implementation by the Board
EMA GSA CAG Application 2025EMA GSA CAG GuidelinesPlease submit application by email to ema@SantaYnezWater.org or by mail to Daniel Heimel, P.O. Box 68, Santa Ynez, CA 93460.
Deadline to submit your application is Monday, March 31, 2025.
Should you have any questions, please contact the EMA GSA Executive Director, Daniel Heimel, via email at ema@SantaYnezWater.org, or Charlotte Arnao via email at carnao@ConfluenceES.com.
Santa Ynez River Valley Groundwater Basin
Eastern Management Area Groundwater Sustainability Agency