EMA GSA Resolutions
EMA GSA Resolutions
Eastern Management Area Specific
ResolutionEMA-2023-003 Provide Reimbursement to EMA GSA Agencies for Certain Shared Cost Contributions (11-16-2023)ResolutionEMA-2023-002 Revising Fee and Deposit for EMA GSA Well Verification as Required by Executive Order N-7-22 as Amended by Executive Order N-5-23 (06-22-2023)ResolutionEMA-2023-001 Adopting an EMA Well Verification Policy for Administering Requests for Written Verifications in the EMA (04-27-2023)ResolutionEMA-2022-004 Approving SYRWCD on Behalf of EMA GSA to Make an Application to DWR to Obtain a Grant Under SGMA Implementation Proposition 68, Round2 (11-17-2022)ResolutionEMA-2022-003 Establishing Fee and Deposit for EMA GSA Well Verification As Required by Executive Order N-7-22 (07-21-2022)There is no ResolutionEMA-2022-002.
ResolutionEMA-2022-001 Adopting GSP (01-06-2022)ResolutionEMA-2021-002 Approving Coordination Agreement (11-18-2021)ResolutionEMA-2021-001 Invoking AB361 (10-21-2021)